Planet Earth: 8 billion humans and dwindling resources

Are eight billion humans too many for planet Earth? As we reach this milestone on November 15, most experts say the bigger problem is the overconsumption of resources by the wealthiest residents.

Some see Waterloo for troubled BlackBerry maker

BlackBerry maker Research in Motion is now in a struggle for survival after its latest quarterly report underscoring its deteriorating position against other smartphone makers, analysts say.

Earth's hot past could be prologue to future climate

( -- The magnitude of climate change during Earth's deep past suggests that future temperatures may eventually rise far more than projected if society continues its pace of emitting greenhouse gases, a new analysis ...

Governments vet crucial UN climate science report

Diplomats from nearly 200 nations and top climate scientists began a week-long huddle in Switzerland on Monday to distill nearly a decade of published science into a 20-odd-page warning about the existential danger of global ...

China launches rival GPS satellite system (Update)

China has launched commercial and public services across the Asia-Pacific region on its domestic satellite navigation network built to rival the US global positioning system.

Technology on way to forecasting humanity's needs

Much as meteorologists predict the path and intensity of hurricanes, Indiana University's Alessandro Vespignani believes we will one day predict with unprecedented foresight, specificity and scale such things as the economic ...

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