The balancing act of producing more food sustainably

A policy known as sustainable intensification could help meet the challenges of increasing demands for food from a growing global population, argues a team of scientists in an article in the journal Science.

Science paper says it's not too late for troubled fisheries

A study published in Science magazine and co-authored by Bren School Sustainable Fisheries Group (SFG) researchers and their colleagues confirms suspicions that thousands of "data-poor" fisheries, representing some 80 percent ...

NASA hurricane researchers eye Earl's eye

Hurricane Earl, currently a Category Two storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale with maximum sustained winds of 100 knots (115 miles per hour), continues to push relentlessly toward the U.S. East Coast, and NASA scientists, instruments ...

The seabed needs to become a top priority, and the UN agrees

"The science we need for the ocean we want"—this is the tagline for the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030), which has just held its first conference in Barcelona, Spain. Marine scientists from around the world, including me, gathered ...

Economic performance of wine production in the EU

A study of economic indicators in the wine industry across the European Union has shown significant variation between member states. Many of these are influenced by factors such as vineyard size and specialization.

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