Transforming our food system to ensure a sustainable future

By 2050, the world will have almost 10 billion people. It will be impossible to feed everyone without exacerbating poverty, accelerating deforestation and increasing GHG emissions unless we start making substantial changes ...

The battle for the future of farming: What you need to know

It is widely agreed that today's global agriculture system is a social and environmental failure. Business as usual is no longer an option: biodiversity loss and nitrogen pollution are exceeding planetary limits, and catastrophic ...

Banking on private finance to tackle the world's water crisis

With global water resources under ever-increasing stress, a new report from WWF, ING and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) calls for urgent efforts by corporates, investors, governments and NGOs to deliver sustainable, bankable ...

World Food Day: Fish gone, people gone

On World Food Day, WWF warns against the dramatic impact of overfished oceans on people around the globe. Currently, 33 percent of fish stocks are overfished (in the Mediterranean it is 85 percent) with a further 60 percent ...

Cherry-picking undermines sustainability reporting

Companies may be cherry-picking sustainability measures that make them look good, while huge variation in what's reported makes meaningful comparisons across firms impossible, a new international study shows.

Deforestation long overlooked as contributor to climate change

When it comes to tackling climate change, the focus often falls on reducing the use of fossil fuels and developing sustainable energy sources. But a new Cornell University study shows that deforestation and subsequent use ...

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