Solar geoengineering to cool the planet: Is it worth the risks?

When I first wrote about geoengineering in 2012 , it was considered far-fetched at best, and crazy by most. But 12 years later, while there is still controversy and considerable resistance to deploying it, respectable scientists ...

'Environmental Atlas of Europe' unveiled at COP15

In support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change taking place in Copenhagen, the European Environment Agency hosted the 'Bend the Trend' event on Sunday evening to provide a global climate networking ...

Meta-learning helps to estimate oceanic barrier layer structure

The oceanic barrier layer is situated between the base of the ocean's density mixed layer and the top of the isothermal layer, with its thickness fluctuations directly influencing the ocean's vertical mixing process. Changes ...

CO2 at work during last global 'hot spell' but hardly alone

( —UC Santa Cruz ocean sciences professor Christina Ravelo is part of an international team that is using ocean floor sediment samples to compile data on past periods of global warming in order to understand today's ...

Exploring how the climate is impacted by the seas in Indonesia

As part of global ocean circulation, warm water in the upper layer flows from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean through the Indonesian Archipelago. The flow through the archipelago, known as the Indonesian Throughflow, ...

2013 sixth hottest year, UN says (Update)

Last year tied for the sixth hottest on record, confirming that Earth's climate system is in the grip of warming that will affect generations to come, the UN's weather agency said Wednesday.

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