Researchers report cybersecurity risks in 3D printing

Additive manufacturing (AM), commonly called 3D printing, is a $4 billion business set to quadruple by 2020. One day, manufacturers may print everything from cars to medicines, disrupting centuries-old production practices. ...

Can insects get fat?

Insects don't have time to laze about—that's probably why we say someone is "as busy as a bee." But would an overfed and underactive bug find itself putting on weight like we do? We put this question to insect expert Erlend ...

Top nitrogen researchers imagine world beyond fossil fuels

Freeways choked with traffic, supermarkets laden with fertilizer-grown stock from distance fields and virtually everything we touch derived from petroleum-based plastics. It's hard to imagine life beyond our fossil-fueled ...

Humanity's overall environmental footprint is not sustainable

Substantial, fundamental changes in the world economy are required to reduce humanity's overall environmental footprint to a sustainable level. This is the conclusion of Arjen Hoekstra, professor of Water Management at the ...

Recycling everything the key to saving the planet: book

Recycling all the materials we use is the key to saving the Earth and humans from an apocalyptic future, according to a major new book by scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

US carbon emissions in surprise drop

US emissions of carbon dioxide blamed for climate change fell in 2011 and have slipped to a 20-year low this year as the the world's largest economy uses more natural gas and less coal, data shows.

Study: Asia's glaciers face massive melt from global warming

Scientists say one-third of the ice stored in Asia's glaciers will be lost by the end of the century even if the world manages to meet its ambitious goal of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, affecting water ...

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