Study examines Southern Ocean warming and its climatic impacts

The mid-to-high latitude Southern Ocean (30°S southwards) features prevailing westerly winds, the strongest mean sea-surface winds on Earth, which draw up ocean water from below 2–3 km in a wide circumpolar ring. This ...

Arctic could be ice-free a decade earlier than thought

The Arctic Ocean's ice cap will disappear in summer as soon as the 2030s and a decade earlier than thought, no matter how aggressively humanity draws down the carbon pollution that drives global warming, scientists said Tuesday.

Changes in mangrove blue carbon under elevated atmospheric CO2

As one of the major blue carbon ecosystems, mangroves provide critical ecosystem services in mitigating global climate change. However, future complex and variable climate conditions may lead to the uncertainty in trajectories ...

River deltas: Valuable and under threat

The livelihoods of millions of people who live in river deltas, among the world's most productive lands, are at risk. Created where large rivers meet the ocean and deposit their natural sediment load, river deltas are often ...

Antarctic sea ice cover at record low

Sea ice in Antarctica shrank to the smallest area on record in February for the second year in a row, continuing a decade-long decline, the European Union's climate monitoring service said Tuesday.

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