Time for the world's largest radio telescope

On a recent trip to Australia, the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) visited one of the two sites of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) - a global science and engineering project to build the worlds largest radio telescope.

Fed report: Time to examine purposely cooling planet idea

It's time to study and maybe even test the idea of cooling the Earth by injecting sulfur pollution high in the air to reflect the sun's heat, a first-of-its-kind federal science report said Tuesday.

Land use looms as large factor in global warming

For the world's deteriorating environment, don't blame burning fossil fuels exclusively. Land use and land cover changes contribute about 40 percent to "radiative forcing," a key underlying factor in global warming, according ...

A climate guide to a weird future

Global Weirding is an interactive visualization of the most comprehensive scientific report on climate change ever made – the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report.

Improving media coverage of climate science

Climate science makes headlines every day: "Shrinking Sea Ice Could Put Polar Bears In Grave Peril by 2100." "Climate Change May Spark More Lightning Strikes, Igniting Wildfires." "U.S., British Data Show 2014 Could Be Hottest ...

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