Warning: Sunspot cycle beginning to rise

(AP) -- When the sun sneezes it's Earth that gets sick. It's time for the sun to move into a busier period for sunspots, and while forecasters expect a relatively mild outbreak by historical standards, one major solar storm ...

GPS getting an upgrade - for $8 billion

(PhysOrg.com) -- GPS is getting an upgrade costing $8 billion (US), which aims to increase the system's accuracy, improve its reliability, and make the technology even more widespread.

Land bulge clue to aviation threat from volcanoes

Bulging in land that occurs before a volcano erupts points to how much ash will be spewed into the sky, providing a useful early warning for aviation, geologists in Iceland said on Sunday.

Is the Dead Sea dying?

The water levels in the Dead Sea - the deepest point on Earth - are dropping at an alarming rate with serious environmental consequences, according to Shahrazad Abu Ghazleh and colleagues from the University of Technology ...

Robot car to cut jams & prangs

Robotic car technology being developed at Oxford University that interprets its surroundings and makes decisions about where to go could eliminate the agony and cost of traffic jams.

Women navigate more efficiently than men

(PhysOrg.com) -- New research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico suggests women navigate more efficiently than men in some circumstances, even though previous studies have shown that in general men score higher ...

Computer-enhanced vision adds a 'sixth sense'

Picture this: As your eyes alight for the first time on a skyscraper in a foreign cityscape, a disembodied voice whispers in your ear the phone number of a posh bar on the top floor.

'Spoofed' GPS signals can be countered, researchers show

(Phys.org) -- From cars to commercial airplanes to military drones, global positioning system (GPS) technology is everywhere -- and Cornell researchers have known for years that it can be hacked, or as they call it, "spoofed." ...

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