How whales struggle to navigate in a sea of noise pollution

In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "If you cause your ship to stop and place the head of a long tube in the water and place the outer extremity to your ear, you will hear ships at a great distance from you."

Migrating animals add new depth to how the ocean 'breathes'

The oxygen content of the ocean may be subject to frequent ups and downs in a very literal sense—that is, in the form of the numerous sea creatures that dine near the surface at night then submerge into the safety of deeper, ...

Cormorants cannot capture the benefits of global warming

(—Even though cormorants seem ideally placed to benefit from global warming, by expanding their breeding range into the far north, the darkness of the polar night is likely to keep them firmly in their place, according ...

Faced with global warming, can wilderness remain natural?

( -- For those who think of nature as a wild, unspoiled Eden that preserves the natural flora and fauna free from human interference, global warming has a nasty surprise in store, according to University of California, ...

How will the winds of climate change affect migratory birds?

Under future climate scenarios, changing winds may make it harder for North American birds to migrate southward in the autumn, but make it easier for them to come back north in the spring. Researchers from the Cornell Lab ...

US must act to protect climate migrants, government report says

National security officials warn that worsening heat waves, droughts and other climate-fueled hazards are likely to drive a surge in global migration in the coming decades, increasing political instability among the United ...

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