Investment in the future: Making influencers affordable

Influencers with a large following are expensive and usually not interested in promoting unknown brands. This marketing channel is therefore largely inaccessible to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). Business professors ...

Experts explain how diamonds are grown in a lab

A diamond is a solid rock of carbon and the hardest known naturally occurring substance. Because diamonds also have some extraordinary optical and physical properties, intensive research is underway on their use in laser ...

Nanoneedle breakthrough gives hope for cheaper cancer treatment

Australian scientists have successfully found a way to inject beneficial genetic material into white blood cells in a world-first breakthrough that could significantly improve treatment options for certain types of blood ...

Building blocs for diverse investment

A research study in the International Journal of Trade and Global Markets has looked at the effects of the evolution of the BRIC economies to the BRICS bloc and the implications of that transition on investment and global ...

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