Nokia abandons Japan market

Nokia Corp., battered by the popularity of smartphones, is abandoning the Japanese market, after a brief foray with luxury cell phones costing as much as 20 million yen ($250,000).

Smaller companies hit hardest during emerging market crises

A study of the reaction by the United States stock market to international financial crises shows that small companies are often hit hardest, and the impact is above and beyond what would be expected given their exposure ...

Asian tech fair spotlights tablets, smartphones

Tablet computers and smartphones take centre stage at a major Asian telecoms fair that opens Tuesday, with struggling phone maker Nokia making a new push to reverse its eroding fortunes.

Nokia headlines Asia telecoms expo in Singapore

One of Asia's biggest telecommunications fairs opens in Singapore on Tuesday with tablets and smartphones taking centre stage and Nokia making a fresh bid to attract a new generation of consumers.

Nanotubes pose health risk, study shows

( -- Tiny fibres used to strengthen items such as bike frames and hockey sticks could pose risks to workers who make them.

Microsoft lower on Nokia report

Microsoft shares were down nearly two percent on Wall Street on Wednesday amid an unconfirmed report that the US software giant had agreed to purchase Nokia's mobile business for $19 billion.

Nokia share price plummets as it lowers outlook

The world's top mobile phone maker Nokia on Tuesday downgraded its second quarter outlook, saying sales would be far lower than expected and that it could no longer give a full-year forecast.

Nokia's mobile market share slips to 25%: Gartner

Nokia's share of the mobile phone market dropped to 25 percent in the first quarter of 2011, the lowest for 14 years, down from 30.6 percent at the same time last year, technology research group Gartner said on Thursday.

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