You have a phone. Do you need HTC's video camera?

Everywhere you look people are using smartphones and tablets to snap pictures and film concerts, speeches—their kids' ballet recitals—and instantly share the experiences with friends and family. At many events people ...

Amazon readying an attack on Google's ad business

US online giant Amazon is preparing to take on Google in one of its core businesses, Internet advertising, the Wall Street Journal said, citing sources familiar with the matter.

Apple sets Sept 9 iPhone event (Update)

Apple has scheduled a September 9 event to unveil its long-anticipated large-screen iPhone, the online news site Re/code reported Tuesday.

You don't need a fast car to rob a bank any more, just malware

The number of physical robberies on banks has fallen dramatically in recent years, but the amount of money banks are losing through electronic methods has rocketed. In 2013 for example, the annual fraud indicator estimated ...

Pesticides threaten birds and bees alike, study says

Neurotoxic pesticides blamed for the world's bee collapse are also harming butterflies, worms, fish and birds, said a scientific review that called Tuesday for tighter regulation to curb their use.

Taiwan's HTC hopes much-loved M8 will revive fortunes

Once a star of the intensely competitive smartphone sector, Taiwan's HTC has seen its fortunes collapse in recent years—but the success of its latest model provides a glimmer of hope.

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