Confusion on Internet future after UN treaty split

The freewheeling, unregulated Internet seemed to survive a push for new rules at a UN treaty meeting, but the collapse of talks leaves unanswered questions about the Web's future.

89 nations sign controversial UN telecom treaty

A controversial new global treaty on telecom regulations was signed on Friday by 89 International Telecommunication Union member states despite US objections to potential regulation of the Internet.

Online marketplace eBay courts China shoppers

Leading Internet marketplace eBay on Monday took aim at China with the launch of a website aimed at enticing fashion-conscious shoppers there with "the very best" of its offerings.

UN offers support against 'cyberterrorism'

The United Nations published Monday a report offering guidance and support to countries on tackling "terrorists" who use the Internet to plan attacks, recruit and disseminate propaganda.

US aims to block bid to give UN control of Internet

The United States will oppose a bid to revise a global treaty to bring the Internet under UN control or to impose new taxes on Web traffic, the head of a US delegation said Wednesday.

Print newspapers alive and kicking in Brazil: editors

Print newspapers are alive and kicking in Brazil, where circulation continues to grow despite the economic crisis, but editors here warn they must offer readers deeper perspective and analysis.

EU Parliament rejects ACTA anti-piracy treaty

The European Parliament overwhelmingly defeated an international anti-piracy trade agreement Wednesday after concern that it would limit Internet freedom sparked street protests in cities across Europe.

Japan online retailer Rakuten to launch e-reader

Online retailer Rakuten said Monday it would launch a $100 e-reader into Japan's largely untapped digital book market, as rivals including US online giant Amazon eye the reading-mad nation.

EU MPs deal new blow to online piracy pact

A controversial global pact to battle counterfeiting and online piracy was dealt a new setback Thursday as a key European Parliament panel rejected the deal.

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