China's synthetic gas plants would be greenhouse giants

Coal-powered synthetic natural gas plants being planned in China would produce seven times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional natural gas plants, and use up to 100 times the water as shale gas production, according ...

Duke study offers 7 safeguards for hydraulic fracturing

A new report by Duke University researchers offers several health and environmental measures for North Carolina lawmakers to consider as they debate legalizing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.

Benefits, risks of using geoengineering to counter climate change

If they wanted to, nations around the world could release globe-cooling aerosols into the atmosphere or undertake other approaches to battle climate change, an authority on environmental law said Monday. He recommended international ...

Songbird parents evict young for their own benefit

Parents, you might know the feeling. When kids get pushy and demanding, it's a tempting fantasy to shove them out of the house and let them survive on their own. Of course, we'd never put our babies in harm's way, but according ...

Blind study fails to support climate change deniers

Would politician Pauline Hanson have committed to "exposing the false claims" of climate change if environmental data were presented to her as the profit margins of a business?

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