Water-shedding surfaces can be made to last

Steam condensation is key to the worldwide production of electricity and clean water: It is part of the power cycle that drives 85 percent of all electricity-generating plants and about half of all desalination plants globally, ...

Birds do it—Passenger planes will fly in formation too

(Phys.org)—Toulouse-based Airbus, a world-leading aircraft manufacturer, has issued its "vision" of what truly smart flying—smart, that is, as in sustainable rather than smart as in sensor-packed—will be like in 2050. ...

Is global warming unstoppable?

In a provocative new study, a University of Utah scientist argues that rising carbon dioxide emissions - the major cause of global warming - cannot be stabilized unless the world's economy collapses or society builds the ...

Half of greenhouse gases 'emitted by five nations'

More than half of all carbon pollution released into the atmosphere comes from five countries, according to a national ranking of greenhouse gas emissions released Thursday.

US carbon emissions in surprise drop

US emissions of carbon dioxide blamed for climate change fell in 2011 and have slipped to a 20-year low this year as the the world's largest economy uses more natural gas and less coal, data shows.

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