'Now or never' to avoid climate catastrophe, warns UN

Humanity has less than three years to halt the rise of planet-warming carbon emissions and less than a decade to slash them by nearly half, UN climate experts said Monday, warning the world faced a last-gasp race to ensure ...

Can insects get fat?

Insects don't have time to laze about—that's probably why we say someone is "as busy as a bee." But would an overfed and underactive bug find itself putting on weight like we do? We put this question to insect expert Erlend ...

Heatwave hotspots linked to urban agglomerations in Africa

Due to global warming, heatwave events will likely cause severe damage to natural ecosystems and human society. Urban areas are at higher risk owing to the significant economic activities carried out there and the populations ...

Climate mitigation measures could impact food security

Many countries have set carbon neutrality as a policy goal, but according to a new study by an international team of researchers from IIASA, Japan, and the U.S., there are various risks associated with the reduction of greenhouse ...

A new spin on energy-efficient electronics

The promising field of spintronics seeks to manipulate electron spin to make a new breed of small and low-power electronic devices. A recent study used Argonne's Advanced Photon Source to bring the widespread use of spintronics ...

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