Nissan eyes 1.5 million electric cars by 2016

Japanese auto giant Nissan is aiming to sell 1.5 million electric vehicles around the world by 2016, the company said Monday, as it looks to capitalise on growing demand for green products.

Nuclear power as panacea for climate change? Experts divided

As delegates at a Paris summit haggle over how to curb global warming, the role of nuclear energy in limiting climate-changing emissions is the subject of fierce debate between champions and critics of atomic power.

Scientists list four key actions to halt global warming

The latest edition of the JRC's Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO), identifies four technological dynamics in the energy sector that have the power to limit global warming to below 2°C if implemented simultaneously.

Smartphone app illuminates power consumption

( -- A new application for the Android smartphone shows users and software developers how much power their applications are consuming. PowerTutor was developed by doctoral students and professors at the University ...

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