More frequent drought likely in eastern Africa

The increased frequency of drought observed in eastern Africa over the last 20 years is likely to continue as long as global temperatures continue to rise, according to new research published in Climate Dynamics.

UN climate talks move into decisive phase

(AP) -- U.N. climate talks moved into their decisive week Monday with the agenda dominated by future cuts in carbon emissions and keeping countries honest about their actions to control global warming.

US, China move closer on key climate issue

(AP) -- Prospects for a limited deal at the latest climate talks appeared to brighten with the U.S. and China narrowing differences on a key element: how to monitor greenhouse gas emissions.

Chatbot auto-tweets replies to climate change arguments

( -- A software developer has created a "chatbot" program for Twitter to automatically detect set phrases associated with arguments put forward by those skeptical of anthropogenic global warming, and to send automated ...

UN: Climate funds shouldn't divert poverty aid

(AP) -- The U.N.'s climate chief says poor countries are right to expect that any funding they receive to combat global warming be kept separate from development aid or poverty relief.

Quality in e-learning is bound up to our value

Since higher education is booming in developing countries, so is e-learning. A new doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, shows how culture can shape quality in higher education in general and in e-learning ...

Negotiators debate new climate treaty in Bonn

(AP) -- Top negotiators at United Nations climate talks in Bonn have presented a new draft text to get closer to a possible deal to fight global warming.

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