Australian R&D doesn't punch above its weight

Australia punches above its weight in terms of global research, producing more than we might expect given our small population. At least … that's the line we've been fed for years – but is it true?

Major GPS III flight software milestone completed

The Lockheed Martin team developing the U.S. Air Force's next generation Global Position System III satellites has completed a key flight software milestone validating the software's ability to provide reliable and effective ...

Developing global links in research

Europe has no shortage of potential when it comes to world-leading research, entrepreneurs and companies. But the number of researchers in Europe as a share of the population is well below that of the United States, Japan ...

AP Interview: UN chief blames rich for warming

(AP)—Rich countries are to blame for climate change and should take the lead in forging a global climate pact by 2015, a deadline that "must be met," the head of the United Nations said Wednesday.

New Zealand: Forget Kyoto, write new climate deal

Highlighting a rift between the rich countries and emerging economies like China, New Zealand's climate minister staunchly defended his government's decision to drop out of the emissions pact for developed nations, saying ...

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