Dash for gas imperils 1.5C climate goal: report

The global scramble for natural gas after Russia's invasion of Ukraine threatens the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, scientists said Thursday on the sidelines of UN climate talks ...

Climate change to impact mountains on a global scale

Under the threat of climate change, mountain landscapes all over the world have the risk of becoming more hazardous to communities surrounding them, while their accelerated evolution may bring further environmental risks ...

Trade agreements can ease the pain of a possible global recession

Uncertainty is bad for business; however, it can be mitigated by trade agreements which help countries become more resilient to economic shocks, according to a new University of California School of Global Policy and Strategy ...

Why are climate activists calling for reparations?

Pakistan's catastrophic floods have led to renewed calls for rich polluting nations, which grew their economies through heavy use of fossil fuels, to compensate developing countries for the devastating impacts caused by the ...

Not all wildlife recovered in lockdowns, new research finds

When the COVID pandemic started, it was a global crisis for humans—but as humans took shelter, reports of wildlife reclaiming what were once human-dominated spaces abounded. But biologists are noticing the patterns were ...

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