Conference seeks to curb exploitation of high seas

Long spared because of their remoteness, the high seas have become an important hunting ground for fish trawlers and oil prospectors, putting at risk many marine species that call these waters home.

Biodiversity meeting begins with funding plea

A major UN meeting designed to safeguard the world's natural resources began Monday with appeals to ensure that biodiversity does not become a victim of the global financial crisis.

Vets try to save Indian rhino attacked by poachers

Vets in northeast India battled on Thursday to save a rare rhino whose horn was hacked off by poachers who are stepping up attacks on animals fleeing rising floods in Assam state.

Sea of the living dead

(—The world's coral reefs have become a zombie ecosystem, neither dead nor truly alive, and are on a trajectory to collapse within a human generation according to an academic from The Australian National University.

Sustainable farming part of larger ecological picture

(—A larger-scale approach to sustainable farming could be more beneficial for wildlife than our current system of farm-based payments, according to University of Leeds researchers.

India floods kill threatened rhinos

Devastating floods in northeast India have killed around 600 animals in the region's largest wildlife park, including more than a dozen threatened one-horned rhinos, officials said Monday.

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