Ancient tree reveals cause of spike in Arctic temperature

A kauri tree preserved in a New Zealand peat swamp for 30,000 years has revealed a new mechanism that may explain how temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere spiked several degrees centigrade in just a few decades during ...

Could climate change shut down the Gulf Stream?

The 2004 disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow" depicted the cataclysmic effects—superstorms, tornadoes and deep freezes— resulting from the impacts of climate change. In the movie, global warming had accelerated the ...

Air circulation affects frost more than global warming—for now

Gardeners know the frustration of a false spring. Coaxed outside by warm weather, some people plant their gardens in the spring only to see a sudden late frost strike at the plants with a killer freezer burn. Grumbling green ...

Close connection between deep currents and climate

Mild winters in northern Europe, rainfall in western Africa, hurricanes in North America -the energy transported around the world by the global ocean circulation affects the climate as well as regional weather phenomena. ...

Scientists unravel the process of meltwater in ocean depths

An international team of researchers has discovered why fresh water, melted from Antarctic ice sheets, is often detected below the surface of the ocean, rather than rising to the top above denser seawater.

Antarctic bottom waters freshening at unexpected rate

In the cold depths along the sea floor, Antarctic Bottom Waters are part of a global circulatory system, supplying oxygen-, carbon- and nutrient-rich waters to the world's oceans. Over the last decade, scientists have been ...

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