UN maps out decarbonization of polluting construction sector

The construction sector—the most polluting and difficult to decarbonize—must build less, use more sustainable materials and clean up conventional ones to slash its emissions, the United Nations said on Tuesday.

Small islands take ocean protection case to UN court

Leaders of nine small island states turned to the UN maritime court on Monday to seek protection of the world's oceans from catastrophic climate change that threatens the very existence of entire countries.

Previously unknown methane sources identified in Hamburg

After carbon dioxide, methane is the second most common greenhouse gas caused by human activity. Moreover, over a 20-year period, its global warming potential is more than 80 times that of carbon dioxide. The largest known ...

Building a blueprint for zero-emissions agriculture

Technological innovation and investment will be needed to reduce agriculture-related greenhouse gas emissions to zero, according to new work from Carnegie Staff Associate Lorenzo Rosa and Visiting Scholar Paolo Gabrielli. ...

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