Study gauges trees' potential to slow global warming in the future

Like the eponymous character in Shel Silverstein's classic children's tale, trees are generous with their gifts, cleaning the air we breathe and slowing the ravages of global warming by absorbing about a quarter of all human-caused ...

Natural gas boom on 'collison course' with climate goals

A global boom in natural gas pipelines and terminals is putting the energy industry on a "collision course" with the Paris climate goals, according to a new analysis of investment in the world's new favourite fuel.

Bottom sediment reveals that climate change flows into lakes

Increasing amounts of dark-coloured carbon compounds that originate from catchment areas flow into the Arctic and northern lakes. They alter resource utilization and community structure of macroinvertebrates, says MSci Henriikka ...

New view of how ocean 'pumps' impact climate change

Earth's oceans have a remarkable natural ability to pull carbon from the atmosphere and store it deep within the ocean waters, exerting an important control on the global climate.

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