Environment now the greatest concern for business leaders

A new report built on findings from a survey of 4,206 professionals across 75 countries has revealed that the environment is the single greatest concern facing modern-day business leaders, overtaking technological advancement.

How the COVID-19 pandemic impacted global trust in government

In a week when the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted to breaking COVID-19 lockdown rules, a new study has found that impartial, transparent and truthful government communications are fundamental for achieving and ...

A call for a global ban on lead paint

Once lead paint is on a wall, it becomes an expensive problem to fix. In impoverished settings, be they neighborhoods in Philadelphia or developing nations globally, remediation can be prohibitively costly.

Buildings-related carbon dioxide emissions hit record high: UN

Emissions from the operation of buildings hit their highest-ever level in 2019, moving the sector further away from fulfilling its huge potential to slow climate change and contribute significantly to the goals of the Paris ...

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