Glider robot a sleek ocean explorer

The sea was heaving, the skies gray. The captain of the research ship was worried about the weather. About 120 miles off the coast of Spain, three Rutgers University scientists had a narrow window of opportunity to find and ...

Seaglider sets new underwater endurance and range records

( -- A University of Washington Seaglider operated for 9 months and 5 days in the Pacific Ocean, an endurance record more than double what any other autonomous underwater vehicle has accomplished on a single mission.

Yellow submarine to try again for Atlantic glide

(AP) -- A second try is about to get under way at sending a little yellow submarine gliding across the Atlantic Ocean to collect scientific data from beneath the waves.

Hi-tech nest boxes to help greater gliders

The humble wildlife nest box has been given a hi-tech overhaul to help greater gliders severely impacted by Australia's bushfire disaster recover.

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