Landfills – a future source of raw materials

Decontamination of landfills and open dumpsites could prove profitable – both financially and for the environment. This is demonstrated by Yahya Jani in a new dissertation in environmental science from Linnaeus University.

Designing new metal alloys using engineered nanostructures

Materials science is a field that Jason Trelewicz has been interested in since he was a young child, when his father—an engineer—would bring him to work. In the materials lab at his father's workplace, Trelewicz would ...

Studies of 'amorphous ice' reveal hidden order in glass

A new study challenges the notion that the atomic structure of glass is indistinguishable from that of a liquid—at least for a certain kind of glass called "amorphous ice" that forms when water is cooled to very low temperatures.

The healing potential of crab shells

Combining a sugar derived from crab and shrimp shells with nanomaterials could lead to applications that enhance bone regeneration and wound healing.

Engineers discover a high-speed nano-avalanche

Charles McLaren, a doctoral student in materials science and engineering at Lehigh University, arrived last fall for his semester of research at the University of Marburg in Germany with his language skills significantly ...

Cosmic glasses for space exploration

How are asteroids and planets formed from stony particles? This question is being explored in an experiment by scientists from the universities of Münster and Braunschweig. For the investigation, Fraunhofer researchers have ...

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