New data can help better understand glaciers

On February 20, a dedicated team of researchers presented a new high-resolution calving front dataset from 149 glaciers in Svalbard, spanning from 1985 to 2023. This innovative dataset, featured in Earth System Science Data, ...

Is statistical modeling for glacier loss accurate?

Glacier loss is a pressing concern worldwide, with ice melt impacting freshwater supplies, sea-level rise and ocean circulation. Often, global glacier models are employed to better understand the extent of this threat, such ...

Lagoon dries up as drought grips Peru's southern Andes

From her home under the baking sun of Peru's southern Andes, Vilma HuamanĂ­ can see the small Cconchaccota lagoon, the axis of her community's life. It has been a source of trout, fun for children eager to swim, beauty as ...

'Blue blob' near Iceland could slow glacial melting

A region of cooling water in the North Atlantic Ocean near Iceland, nicknamed the "Blue blob," has likely slowed the melting of the island's glaciers since 2011 and may continue to stymie ice loss until about 2050, according ...

Russian Arctic warming leads to major ice loss

Glaciers and ice caps in two archipelagos in the Russian Arctic are losing enough meltwater to fill nearly five million Olympic-size swimming pools each year, research shows.

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