Glaciers may record the story of the coronavirus pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic will be remembered for decades to come through history books, oral narratives and an abundance of personal protective equipment. However, the glaciers of the Himalayas, the Alps, Patagonia and other ...

Research shows how life might have survived 'snowball Earth'

Global glaciation likely put a chill on life on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, but new research indicates that simple life in the form of photosynthetic algae could have survived in a narrow body of water with characteristics ...

Elegantly modeling Earth's abrupt glacial transitions

Proxy data—indirect records of the Earth's climate found in unlikely places like coral, pollen, trees and sediments—show interesting oscillations approximately every 100,000 years starting about one million years ago. ...

When thawing glaciers release pollutants

As glaciers increasingly melt in the wake of climate change, it is not only the landscape that is affected. Thawing glaciers also release many industrial pollutants stored in the ice into the environment. Now, within the ...

Some Antarctic ice is forming from bottom

Scientists working in the remotest part of Antarctica have discovered that liquid water locked deep under the continent's coat of ice regularly thaws and refreezes to the bottom, creating as much as half the thickness of ...

Himalayan lakes are exacerbating glacial melt

The rate glaciers are melting in the Himalaya is being significantly accelerated by lakes already formed by glacial retreat, new research led by the University of St Andrews has found.

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