Peering under the ice of a collapsing polar coast

Starting this month, a giant NASA DC-8 aircraft loaded with geophysical instruments and scientists will buzz at low level over the coasts of West Antarctica, where ice sheets are collapsing at a pace far beyond what scientists ...

Voice software helps study of rare Yosemite owls

In the bird world, they make endangered condors seem almost commonplace. The unique Great Gray Owls of Yosemite, left to evolve after glacial ice separated them from their plentiful Canadian brethren 30 millennia ago, are ...

Days become slightly longer as land ice melts

Rising sea levels are affected by many factors, most of which researchers can now effectively explain. Delft University of Technology researcher Thomas Frederikse has established that the average rise in sea levels worldwide ...

Models oversimplify how melting glaciers deform land

Around 21,000 years ago, ice sheets retreated from the Northern Hemisphere, and great swaths of land were unburdened by the weight of glaciers. Even today, Earth's shape is still changing as the land rebounds, causing effects ...

Measuring iceberg production with earthquakes

Global warming is significantly reducing the volume of ice sheets—like the one covering Greenland—through melting or by shearing away blocks of ice that tumble into the ocean and become icebergs, a process known as calving.

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