Climate change makes more shrew species, 70 genetic varieties

Anyone who went outside this summer felt the effects of climate change. Now the Eurasian shrew, Sorex araneus, can say the same. A new study by P. David Polly of Indiana University found that climate change caused shrews ...

Northern conifers youngest of the species

Dramatic shifts in the planet's climate and geography over millions of years changed the course of evolutionary history for conifer trees, according to a Yale paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Glacial organic matter and carbon cycling

An international collaboration led by Tom Battin from the Department of Limnology of the University of Vienna unravels the role of Alpine glaciers for carbon cycling. The scientists uncover the unexpected biogeochemical complexity ...

Geologist discovers pattern in Earth's long-term climate record

In an analysis of the past 1.2 million years, UC Santa Barbara geologist Lorraine Lisiecki discovered a pattern that connects the regular changes of the Earth's orbital cycle to changes in the Earth's climate. The finding ...

The shelf life of pyrite

The last 2.6 million years are characterized by glacial cycles, a regular alternation of cold and warm periods. It is widely accepted that changes in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the ...

A dusty atmosphere caused extreme global cooling

In recent Earth history, climate has varied following ~100,000 year, glacial-interglacial cycles with higher and lower temperatures and greenhouse gas concentrations. During the coldest glacial conditions, global mean temperatures ...

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