How to apply game theory to buying your Christmas presents

According to Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, if someone is buying you a Christmas gift then the "essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value and representing the ...

The paradox of gift giving: More not better, says new study

Holiday shoppers, take note. Marketing and psychology researchers have found that in gift giving, bundling together an expensive "big" gift and a smaller "stocking stuffer" reduces the perceived value of the overall package ...

Web site runs elaborate Secret Santa gift exchange

(AP) -- 'Tis the season for heart-melting tales of spontaneous good will among strangers, which, like the rest of our relationships, has gotten a lot more convenient since the advent of the Internet.

10 unusual gadgets and gifts for geeks

Nerds. Geeks. Fanboys. Whatever you call them, the comics aficionados, movie buffs and videogame enthusiasts who dwell amongst us can be really hard to shop for. But it gets dramatically worse this time of year, when everyone ...

The psychology of gift-giving and receiving

Gift exchanges can reveal how people think about others, what they value and enjoy, and how they build and maintain relationships. Researchers are exploring various aspects of gift-giving and receiving, such as how givers ...

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