Fears over Indonesia's thirst for palm oil

The roar of chainsaws has replaced birdsong, the once-lush, green jungle scorched to a barren grey. The equivalent of six football pitches of forest is lost every minute in Indonesia.

Scientists throw lifeline to world's rarest primate

Hainan gibbons—the rarest primates on Earth—were already teetering on the edge of extinction in 2014 when the most powerful storm to lash China's coast in half a century ravaged their island oasis.

German scientists discover rare ape species in Asia

German scientists said on Tuesday they had discovered a new rare and endangered ape species in the tropical rainforests between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by its distinctive song.

French crusader for gibbons in Borneo jungle

For 15 years Aurelien Brule has lived in the Indonesian jungle, crusading against palm oil multinationals, loggers and corruption in his bid to save endangered gibbons from annihilation.

Community of rare gibbons found in Vietnam

The lively morning calls of a rare species of gibbon has led to the discovery of the only known "viable" community of the talkative primates in remote Vietnamese forests, conservationists said Monday.

Holding a mirror up to a gibbon’s mind

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Queensland developmental psychologists have taken a step into our evolutionary past by studying gibbons.

Gibbons hold on in last remaining Vietnam stronghold

A crucial population of one of the rarest primates on the planet is holding its own in the face of multiple threats, according to the latest surveys conducted in northern Vietnam.

Discovery of an ape virus in an Indonesian rodent species

The gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) is a medically important tool in cancer therapies. GALV is a retrovirus pathogenic to its host species, the southeast Asian lar gibbon (Hylobates lar) and thought to have originated from ...

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