How to hunt for exoplanets

A new report launched by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Exoplanets - The search for planets beyond our solar system explains how new technological advances have seen the discovery of more than 400 exoplanets to date, a number ...

Shot away from its companion, giant star makes waves

(—Like a ship plowing through still waters, the giant star Zeta Ophiuchi is speeding through space, making waves in the dust ahead. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has captured a dramatic, infrared portrait of these ...

Mangroves could survive sea-level rise if protected

Human activity is currently a bigger threat to mangroves, and the natural defences they provide against storm surges and other coastal disasters, than rising sea levels, according to a new study.

CSIRO researchers create giant waves -- virtually

( -- CSIRO scientists have created 'rogue waves' more than 20 metres high and smashed them into virtual oil and gas production platforms to compare different mooring designs.

Patagonia's coast offers cool refuge for giant kelp

Giant kelp forests around the world have struggled to stay healthy in recent decades, with some vanishing altogether. But along Patagonia's rugged southwestern coast, giant kelp are thriving, showing remarkable stability ...

Seeking the deadly roots of the dinosaurs' ascent

Over the past 450 million years, life on earth has undergone at least five great extinctions, when biological activity nosedived and dominant groups of creatures disappeared. The final one (so far) was 65 million years ago, ...

The resilience of the Chilean coast after the earthquake of 2010

In February 2010, a violent earthquake struck Chile, causing a tsunami 10 m in height. Affecting millions of people, the earthquake and giant wave also transformed the appearance of the coastline: the dunes and sandbars were ...

Better coordination needed in US tsunami warnings

(AP) -- The U.S. system to warn about giant waves has improved since the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, but more work lies ahead, according to an analysis that noted at least one instance when alerts from centers in ...

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