Scientist helps kids—through turtles—connect with nature

A natural with kids, Stephen Blake asks a group of teens to pretend to be foraging giant tortoises, ambulating on all fours at a tortoise's pace (about 0.2 mph) and searching for food in plastic cups laid out in roughly the ...

Galapagos tortoises are a migrating species

(—The Galapagos giant tortoise, one of the most fascinating species of the Galapagos archipelago, treks slowly and untiringly across the volcanic slopes. Scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in ...

Hopes of saving rare tortoise die with 'Lonesome George'

The death of Lonesome George came as a shock to the caretakers who had come to know the 100-year-old giant tortoise, the last survivor of a subspecies decimated by pirates more than a century ago.

Giant tortoise Lonesome George dies

Famed giant tortoise Lonesome George has died on the Galapagos Islands, leaving the world one subspecies poorer.

Climate change threatens Seychelles habitat

Bursts of torrential rain lash the idyllic white beaches of the Seychelles, where conservationists fear that rare species such as the giant tortoise are at severe risk from climate change.

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