Image: Giant elliptical galaxy UGC 10143

This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image spotlights the giant elliptical galaxy, UGC 10143, at the heart of galaxy cluster Abell 2147, about 486 million light-years away in the head of the constellation Serpens. UGC 10143 ...

Indian scientists explore galaxy cluster Abell 725

Using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), Indian astronomers have conducted radio observations of a galaxy cluster known as Abell 725. Results of this observational campaign deliver important information regarding ...

Cosmic beasts and where to find them

Two giant radio galaxies have been discovered with South Africa's powerful MeerKAT telescope. These galaxies are thought to be amongst the largest single objects in the Universe. The discovery has been published today in ...

NASA missions help investigate an 'Old Faithful' active galaxy

During a typical year, over a million people visit Yellowstone National Park, where the Old Faithful geyser regularly blasts a jet of boiling water high in the air. Now, an international team of astronomers has discovered ...

Where were Jupiter and Saturn born?

New work led by Carnegie's Matt Clement reveals the likely original locations of Saturn and Jupiter. These findings refine our understanding of the forces that determined our Solar System's unusual architecture, including ...

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