How seeds recognise the seasons

Scientists at the University of York have played a key role in new research into the way 'mother' plants use their memory of the seasons to teach their seeds the most advantageous time to germinate.

Climate change threat to tropical plants

Tropical plants closer to the equator are most at risk from climate change because it is expected to become too hot for many species to germinate in the next 50 years, UNSW researchers have found.

Uncooperative snottygobble coughs up germination secrets

The phrase might be associated with a bad cold but a mystery surrounding WA's strangely named snottygobble tree (Persoonia longifolia R.Br.) is about to be cleared up, with a study into the plant's germination triggers entering ...

Molecular 'blueprint' illuminates how plants perceive light

Plants rely on their ability to sense light for survival. But unlike animals, plants don't have eyes full of photoreceptors to capture and convey messages from visual stimuli. Instead, plants are coated with a network of ...

Nailing down a crucial plant signaling system

Plant biologists have discovered the last major element of the series of chemical signals that one class of plant hormones, called brassinosteroids, send from a protein on the surface of a plant cell to the cell's nucleus. ...

Steroids control gas exchange in plants

Plants leaves are sealed with a gas-tight wax layer to prevent water loss. Plants breathe through microscopic pores called stomata (Greek for mouths) on the surfaces of leaves. Over 40% of the carbon dioxide, CO2, in the ...

Small but mighty: The hidden power of broccoli sprouts

Remember when your parents used to say, "Eat your greens, they are good for you"? Well, they were really onto something. Several studies have shown that higher intakes of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, one of the most ...

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