Digging into geothermal energy

Sixteen undergraduate students at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) may now be Harvard's resident experts on geothermal energy.

New view of deep rock fractures for geothermal energy

Scorchingly hot granite deep underground can be tapped for energy by opening up cracks in the rock. This potential resource, known as enhanced geothermal energy, requires a clear sense of changes happening in the rock over ...

Contamination of La Selva geothermal system in Girona, Spain

Monitoring the construction of wells, avoid over-exploiting cold groundwater close to hot groundwater, and controlling mineral water extraction. These are the recommendations from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and ...

Intelligent use of the Earth's heat

Geothermal energy is increasingly contributing to the power supply world wide. Iceland is world-leader in expanding development of geothermal utilization: in recent years the annual power supply here doubled to more than ...

Improved risk management for geothermal systems

Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) are considered a promising source of energy that is clean, provides a sustainable baseload for heat and electricity, and is an emerging key technology in the long-term transition to a fossil ...

Aquifers for environmentally compatible cooling and heating

In this year's record summer, everybody wishes to have a cooled home or office. But air conditioning systems consume a lot of energy and are far from being environmentally compatible. Researchers of the GeoSpeicher.bw project ...

Better data tools for a bigger geothermal future

To fully realize the potential of harnessing energy from the heat within the earth will require a far more detailed understanding of what's going on down there than scientists currently have. And beyond naturally occurring ...

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