Intelligent use of the Earth's heat

Geothermal energy is increasingly contributing to the power supply world wide. Iceland is world-leader in expanding development of geothermal utilization: in recent years the annual power supply here doubled to more than ...

Iceland volcano still spewing lava, one month on

Orange lava bubbles and pops, occasionally spewing large fountains from a volcano that has been erupting for a month in Iceland, the second-longest eruption since the region's volcanic activity reawakened in March 2021.

Listen to Iceland's recent seismic activity

As seismic activity intensifies ahead of an impending eruption of a fissure near Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano, the island's Reykjanes Peninsula is experiencing hundreds of earthquakes per day.

Protection sought for rare butterflies at Nevada site

Conservationists who are already suing to block a geothermal power plant where an endangered toad lives in western Nevada are now seeking U.S. protection for a rare butterfly at another geothermal project the developer plans ...

The hidden price of Iceland's green energy

The recent IPCC report has made it clear that we need to change our energy supply from fossils to renewable energy if we want to avoid catastrophic climate change. This transition has to happen now and it has to happen fast.

Endangered species listing considered for rare Nevada toad

U.S. wildlife officials have agreed to consider Endangered Species Act protection for a rare toad in northern Nevada's high desert where one of the biggest producers of geothermal energy in the nation wants to build a power ...

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