Related topics: earthquake

Methane may be answer to 56-million-year question

( -- The release of massive amounts of carbon from methane hydrate frozen under the seafloor 56 million years ago has been linked to the greatest change in global climate since a dinosaur-killing asteroid presumably ...

Scientists find evidence of Roman period megadrought

A new study at the UA's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research has revealed a previously unknown multi-decade drought period in the second century A.D. The findings give evidence that extended periods of aridity have occurred at ...

Lessons from the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake

Details of an earthquake that rocked the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand in February 2011 may transform the way scientists assess the potential threat of fault lines that run through urban centers.

Plant body clock observed in tropical forest research

( -- Predictions of the ground-level pollutant ozone will be more accurate in future according to research published today by environment scientists at research centres including the University of Birmingham in ...

Black hole, star collisions may illuminate universe's dark side

Scientists looking to capture evidence of dark matter -- the invisible substance thought to constitute much of the universe -- may find a helpful tool in the recent work of researchers from Princeton University and New York ...

Eastern earthquake unusual but not remarkable

( -- The earthquake that shook University Park and the entire northeast yesterday afternoon (Aug. 23) was unusual in its strength but not an unusual event, according to a Penn State geophysicists.

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