Cookie Monster crater on Mercury

Big Bird has been grabbing the headlines lately, and its time for another Muppet to get a little face time. So, here's Cookie Monster's face, plastered across the surface of Mercury. Well, it looks like it, anyway. This is ...

New study reveals contrasting consequences of warmer Earth

A new study, by scientists from the Universities of York, Glasgow and Leeds, involving analysis of fossil and geological records going back 540 million years, suggests that biodiversity on Earth generally increases as the ...

Shaking 'swarm' fuels California's quake jitters

A "quake swarm" that has shaken southern California with hundreds of moderate temblors in quick succession is fueling jitters in the Golden State, long braced for the Big One.

NPL and SUERC calibrate a 'rock clock'

New research by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC) will improve the accuracy of estimates of the time of geological events. The work centres on the calibration ...

New mystery on Mars' forgotten plains

( -- One of the supposedly best understood and least interesting landscapes on Mars is hiding something that could rewrite the planet's history. Or not. In fact, about all that is certain is that decades of assumptions ...

The world's oldest water?

New evidence bolsters the notion that deep saline groundwaters in South Africa's Witwatersrand Basin may have remained isolated for many thousands, perhaps even millions, of years. The study, recently accepted for publication ...

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