Studying the moon's oldest geologic imprints

New Curtin research has found the moon may have been subjected to much greater impacts from asteroids and other bodies than previously thought, building on our understanding of the moon's earliest geologic evolution.

Why African countries must invest more in earth sciences

The African continent contains some of the world's richest mineral resources. For instance, the Democratic Republic of Congo produces most of the world's cobalt; Rwanda, Ethiopia and Mozambique are major contributors to global ...

Mine ponds amplify mercury risks in Peru's Amazon

The proliferation of pits and ponds created in recent years by miners digging for small deposits of alluvial gold in Peru's Amazon has dramatically altered the landscape and increased the risk of mercury exposure for indigenous ...

New insights into the formation of Earth's crust

New research from Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia, an assistant professor of Earth and environmental sciences at the University of Rochester, and Francois Tissot, an assistant professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of ...

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