Biodiversity is more than just a numbers game

A new look at one of ecology's unsolved puzzles—why biodiversity is higher in the tropics compared with colder regions—revealed that while this long-recognized pattern holds true for the sheer number of species, it does ...

Sorghum and biodiversity

It is difficult to distinguish the human impact on the effects of natural factors on the evolution of crop plants. A Franco-Kenyan research team has managed to do just that for sorghum, one of the main cereals in Africa. ...

Marine life spawns sooner as oceans warm

Warming oceans are impacting the breeding patterns and habitat of marine life, effectively re-arranging the broader marine landscape as species adjust to a changing climate, according to a three-year international study published ...

Damaging non-native forest pests at home in northeastern US

Beginning with early colonists who landed in the New World loaded with dreams, grit and perhaps the continent's first alien forest pests, and continuing today with the expansion of global trade, the northeastern United States ...

Streamlining a common survival strategy in marine microbes

( —Despite advances made in the fields of DNA sequencing and analysis, researchers have barely begun to scratch the tip of the iceberg in cataloging the planet's microbial diversity, mainly because only a minute ...

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