Realtime map shows Wikipedia changes worldwide

( —The show of shows: A realtime map that you can watch, and watch, which displays where in the word people are editing articles for Wikipedia. We are almost tempted to issue a warning here that the map we are ...

Study says salmon may use magnetic field as navigational aid

The mystery of how salmon navigate across thousands of miles of open ocean to locate their river of origin before journeying upstream to spawn has intrigued biologists for decades, and now a new study may offer a clue to ...

Free apps drain smartphone energy on 'advertising modules'

( -- Researchers have shown that popular free smartphone apps spend up to 75 percent of their energy tracking the user's geographical location, sending information about the user to advertisers and downloading ...

Researchers share road map promoting sustainable fishing

Researchers at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) have released a road map to help the global fishing industry become more sustainable. The five-step plan outlines how the fishing industry ...

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