Yeast models of cell death and survival mechanisms

European scientists investigated differences in the genomes of various distantly-related yeast and their effects on cell survival. Results may provide insight into cell death induced by free radicals.

Nanotechnology-enhanced DNA analysis

European researchers enhanced the selectivity of state-of-the-art genetic sequencing methods using nanotechnology. Immediate application in detection of strains of Salmonella and Staphylococcus should facilitate speedy identification ...

Endless research possibilities for remarkable native plant

(Medical Xpress) -- The exceptional research potential of a native Australian plant has been accelerated by the release of both its DNA and RNA sequence by University of Sydney researchers and their partners.

Can we share vampires' appetite for synthetic blood?

Vampires on the True Blood television series are already enjoying the advantages of synthetic blood. While this may seem to be only the imagination on the big screen, the true benefits of blood manufactured from embryonic ...

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