Chinese scientists crack the genome of diploid cotton

The international research team led by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and BGI have completed the genome sequence and analysis of a diploid cotton— Gossypium raimondii. The cotton genome provides an invaluable ...

New method helps researchers decode genomes

(—Although scientists sequenced the entire human genome more than 10 years ago, much work remains to understand what proteins all those genes code for.

In fly DNA, the footprint of a fly virus

( -- In a curious evolutionary twist, several species of a commonly studied fruit fly appear to have incorporated genetic material from a virus into their genomes, according to new research by University at Buffalo ...

Endless research possibilities for remarkable native plant

(Medical Xpress) -- The exceptional research potential of a native Australian plant has been accelerated by the release of both its DNA and RNA sequence by University of Sydney researchers and their partners.

International regulation curbs illegal trade of caviar

Research that used mitochondrial DNA-based testing to compare the extent of fraudulent labeling of black caviar purchased before and after international protection shows conservation benefits. A team of scientists from the ...

Maps of Miscanthus genome offer insight into grass evolution

Miscanthus grasses are used in gardens, burned for heat and energy, and converted into liquid fuels. They also belong to a prominent grass family that includes corn, sorghum and sugarcane. Two new, independently produced ...

Scientists map hotspots for genetic exchange in chimpanzees

Scientists at the University of Oxford and the University of Chicago have constructed the world's first genetic map in chimpanzees of recombination – the exchange of genetic material within a chromosome that makes us ...

Research reveals aquatic bacteria more recent move to land

Research by University of Tennessee, Knoxville, faculty has discovered that bacteria's move from sea to land may have occurred much later than thought. It also has revealed that the bacteria may be especially useful in bioenergy ...

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