More than meows: How bacteria help cats communicate

Many mammals, from domestic cats and dogs to giant pandas, use scent to communicate with each other. A new study from the University of California, Davis shows how domestic cats send signals to each other using odors derived ...

Competition among worm sperm speeds up evolution

From elaborate dances to stunning plumage displays to dramatic head-butting, male animals have an array of ways to distinguish themselves from competitors while wooing a potential mate. But it's not their only chance to prove ...

Using genes to rescue animal and plants from extinction

( —With estimates of losing 15 to 40 percent of the world's species over the next four decades – due to climate change and habitat loss, researchers ponder in the Sept. 26 issue of Nature whether science should ...

Would Pain-Free Animals Make a More Humane Hamburger?

( -- With advancements in genetic engineering, researchers say that it may soon be possible to breed farm animals that don't feel pain. The suggestion has sparked controversy on whether denying animals the ability ...

The future of genome editing and how it will be regulated

A new technology called CRISPR is making international headlines as a monumental leap in genetic engineering. CRISPR, an acronym for "clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats," is a genome-editing technology ...

Germany's top court upholds restrictive GM crops law

Germany's top court on Wednesday upheld a two-year-old law placing sharp restrictions on the use of genetically modified crops, saying it protected the public from the risks of the technology.

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