Injury dressings in first-aid kits reveal shark species

Scientists have revealed that injury dressings found in first-aid kits can reliably be used to identify shark species involved in bite incidents by deploying medical gauze to gather DNA samples from aquatic equipment, such ...

Genetics reveal ancient trade routes of Four Corners potato

A new study shows that a native potato species was brought to southern Utah by Indigenous people in the distant past, making it a candidate for the only culturally significant plant species to have been domesticated in the ...

Genetic discovery helps Angus producers protect their herds

When an East Texas cattle operation contacted Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service cattle specialists in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Animal Science after experiencing a rash of neurological, ...

Surf clams off the coast of Virginia reappear and rebound

The Atlantic surf clam, an economically valuable species that is the main ingredient in clam chowder and fried clam strips, has returned to Virginia waters in a big way, reversing a die-off that started more than two decades ...

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