Related topics: genetic variation

Hairy secret of foraging plants discovered

( -- The genes that control the hairy 'mining machine' that makes some plants better at finding nutrients in poor soils than others have been discovered by scientists from Oxford University and the John Innes ...

Transparent soil allows detailed study of roots

(—A team of researchers from the James Hutton Institute and the University of Abertay Dundee have developed a see-through soil which will enable them to study roots in detail for the first time.

Detecting DNA in space

If there is life on Mars, it's not too farfetched to believe that such Martian species may share genetic roots with life on Earth.

When plant roots learned to follow gravity

Highly developed seed plants evolved deep root systems that are able to sense Earth's gravity. The how and when of this evolutionary step has, until now, remained unknown. Plant biologists at the Institute of Science and ...

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