Research reveals aquatic bacteria more recent move to land

Research by University of Tennessee, Knoxville, faculty has discovered that bacteria's move from sea to land may have occurred much later than thought. It also has revealed that the bacteria may be especially useful in bioenergy ...

Tracking viruses back in time

How long have viruses been around? No one knows. Scientists at Portland State University have begun taking the first steps toward answering this question.

Bacteria become 'genomic tape recorders'

MIT engineers have transformed the genome of the bacterium E. coli into a long-term storage device for memory. They envision that this stable, erasable, and easy-to-retrieve memory will be well suited for applications such ...

Fossil primate shakes up history of strepsirrhines

Fossils discovered in Tunisia challenge several hypotheses concerning the origin of toothcombed primates (Malagasy lemurs, Afro-Asian lorises and African galagos). The fossils are of a small primate called Djebelemur, which ...

Data mining syndromes

With every news story, the concepts of data mining healthcare information move higher still up the research and policy agenda in this area. Clinical information and genetic data contained within electronic health records ...

Unearthing new dingo truths

Where did dingoes come from and when? Who brought them and what can this tell us about human evolution on our continent? They are mysteries steeped in time that University of New England (UNE) archaeologist Dr. Melanie Fillios ...

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